November 6, 2006

[Miscellaneous] Weekly Wrapup

Had a great trip last week. When I got back late Friday, found I had all of my characters restored with 99% of everything how it should have been. All I was missing was my gold, so I spent nine hours on Saturday and levelled from 53 to 55. Got my gold back in the process.

I'm working on a response to Session-Based Testing. Brief summary of what I'm working towards: nice technique, but not a drop-in replacement for testing structure in an iterative gaming scenario by itself.

Microsoft released XNA Game Studio Express Edition (beta 2) last week. So far, major improvement over beta 1, but I hope that XNA GS Pro completely retools the content pipeline. While the pipeline in GSEE is ideal for individual developers, I see major problems integrating it into a team-based system. I'm working on writing a pair of custom importers at the moment (PCX files and Quake MAP files). I'll keep people posted.

1 comment:

Samantha Kalman said...

I'm very excited to hear your thoughts about Session-Based Testing! But don't rush the feedback, I want to hear the ups & downs of the approach from your perspective.