October 19, 2005

Mini-Review: "Doom"

First off, I want to thank Universal Pictures and id Software for inviting me out to see the Dallas premiere of the Doom movie. It was an enjoyable experience.

So, the mini-review?

If you liked Doom3, it's a no-brainer to see it.

If you didn't like Doom3 because it was too dark, go see it and give it a chance. You'd be amazed what can happen without a two-light-per-surface limitation.

If you didn't like Doom3 because it was Hell, go see it and give it a chance. It's still Mars, but it's not demons...it's a genetic mutation.

If you like the Rock, go see it. The person I went to see it with is a huge fan of the Rock, and was having lots of little Rock-gasms whenever he was on.

If you get motion-sick easily, when you're looking at a reflection of the main character in the mirror, turn your head away until you hear the Rock.

Essentially, "Doom" is nothing more than an excuse to blow shit up...and to be honest, that's all it's pretending to be. It's a fun movie if you go in with those expectations. Besides, the mutants were cool.

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